by rowanmccandless_vqvktw | Apr 24, 2021 | and curiouser
I’m thrilled to have my essay, “Room” published in the FOLD’s Festival Magazine. I’m also excited to be attending their virtual festival this upcoming May 1 to May 15. Check out more about the Festival of Literary Diversity here:...
by rowanmccandless_vqvktw | Feb 23, 2021 | and curiouser
I’m thrilled to have an article, “Playing with Form” in the latest issue of Write magazine. My thanks to Chelene Knight for asking me to be a contributor. “Implementing outlier formsallowed me to write about the tough stuff. They offered...
by rowanmccandless_vqvktw | Feb 19, 2021 | and curiouser
Another excerpt from Persephone’s Children, @DundurnPress, publishers. U is for uterus, uteri; also, for uterine fibroids. Benign growths that range in size from microscopic seeds to peas, to fists, to cantaloupes, to pumpkins. Black...
by rowanmccandless_vqvktw | Feb 13, 2021 | and curiouser
H is for hypodescent. Hypodescent: the assignment of “mixed-race” children to the sub- ordinate group by the dominant culture. Hyperdescent: the assignment of “mixed-race” children to the more-advantaged group by the dominant culture. Hit and miss: whether you’re...
by rowanmccandless_vqvktw | Feb 13, 2021 | and curiouser
Hey my Peeps. I hope you enjoy this poster I made about my writing practice.
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